Friday, December 18, 2009


Every once in a while Goodwill distributes bags in the mail with a note asking you to fill the bag and leave it on your porch on a specific day. In my neighbourhood it happened this week, which was a godsend because I missed garbage day last week.

I filled the bag, left it on the porch and went about my daily business, which includes 1000 pushups, pullups and crunches each morning. Sorry, typo, I meant to say, eating Froot Loops and drumming Flight of the Bumblebee on my stomach.

A little after 3pm I noticed the Goodwill bag was still on the porch so I gave them a call.

Me: Hi, I left a bag for you guys on my porch and I guess it was missed.

GW Rep: It wasn't missed sir, they're only halfway completed the run so far.

Me: Oh, I'm terribly sorry. It's just that the notice said to give you a call after 3pm if any bags were missed. I naturally assumed that you would have had the commonsense to schedule the run so that it would be completed before the time stated on the notice. Instead, you decide to have people call you halfway through the run to ensure that everyone gets to waste a little bit of time today.

GW Rep: Are you the ass clown who left a bag of garbage for us last year?

Me: (click).

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