I should rename this blog "Sh*t My Monkey Says" but she's not my monkey, she's a monkey for the world. The latest ridiculousness that she was trying to convince me of is that the month of October 2010 has five of each day; that is, five Mondays, five Tuesday, five Wednesdays, etc.. I'm no mathematician but when I multiply seven weekdays by five, divide by the core temperature of the sun, convert to an absolute value, factor in Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle, and carry the two I get a value of 35. I checked my calendar and, just as I suspected, October only had 31 days in it. What could possibly be amiss.
The fact is that October actually has five Fridays, five Saturdays and five Sundays. Oh my goodness - a month that has five each of three consecutive days? Surely the gods must have worked in unison to make this the most special of all months. I dug a little deeper. I was working on my own DaVinci Code here. Internet stories abounded that this kind of thing only happened once every 823 years; oh what a wonderful time we live in.
But wait . . . I thought August 2010 had the same phenomenon. Yes, there it is; five Sundays, five Mondays and five Tuesdays. In fact, every single damn month that has 31 days, from the beginning of time to the end of time, will have five each of three consecutive days. Let's say we start a month on a Sunday, as August 2010 did, count 28 days and we end up on a Saturday. Thus far, each day has occurred four times but there are three days left. We don't just tack them on randomly:
"I have my pilates class on Wednesday so let's add them there."
"Arrgh matie I have my pirates class then too, I wholeheartedly concur."
"So we'll have seven Wednesdays in August?"
"Aye aye - for he's a jolly good fellow, for he's a . . . "
"Will you idiots shut up. For one thing, we have no control over the calendar, this is a bake sale, and secondly the days will just continue in sequential order."
"Shiver me timbers . . . this lemon meringue pie is phenomenal."
1 comment:
tell Monkey go get out of her tree, and evaluate!!!!!! damn it!!!
count the springrolls monkey!!!!
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