Thursday, September 11, 2014


At the beginning of September I flew into Zhengzhou, China. I'll be staying here for three months and as it's not a tourist city I won't be regaling you daily with tales of adventure. I do intend to write some entries on my life in China in general and specific events if they happen. 

Your first question may naturally be, why Zhengzhou and why for three long months. I can only say that  there is a woman involved and quite possibly some voodoo, which would explain all the chicken blood. So much chicken blood.

As I mentioned, Zhengzhou is not a tourist town. I think the population breakdown is 99.999999% Chinese and then me. Nobody I've encountered thus far speaks more than a few words of English. This leads to me doing a lot of pointing and pantomiming. I've stopped rubbing my belly to indicate hunger though as my Buddhaesque frame leads people to think I'm giving them good fortune.

The thing I like most about Zhengzhou so far, other than the aforementioned woman of course, is Starbucks. It's almost completely empty and has comfortable chairs and free wifi. On the occasions that they play a western song I can even imagine that I'm home.

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