Sunday, September 9, 2007

Friday Night Fish & Chips

I took a cab to work on Friday. I don't usually take cabs because they are ridiculously expensive and I'm trying to do more stupid exercise lately. By the way, I can see why not everybody exercises, it's really hard. In the humid weather we've been having lately I sweat so much on my walk home from work that small children must stay at least a half kilometre behind me for for fear that they will be washed away by the river of perspiration. But I digress, back to the cab ride. The driver started singing:

Sunny days
Oh, sunny, sunny, sunny days
Ain't nothin' better in the world, you know
Than lyin' in the sun with your radio

He seemed perturbed that I didn't join in. The rest of the ride was silent until we neared the building and I said "It will be left on Scott" to which he replied, "I know" which I thought was hilarious. How could you possibly know?

It was a great day at work, namely because it was a free casual day, so I got to wear my lederhosen and crop top, and we got off an hour early because some people are moving desks.

For dinner I went to Olde York Fish & Chips on Laird. Best fish and chips in the city in my opinion although I shouldn't be advertising because the place is already crowded enough. I went with my two Vancouver travel buddies because we had to settle the bill from Vancouver and possibly settle a score. Actually we had no score to settle but it sounded ominous so I thought I'd throw that in. The fish and chips shop is particularly crowded on Fridays because Catholics have a ridiculous custom of abstaining from meat on Friday. From what I can gather Catholics don't eat meat on Friday because Jesus was crucified on Friday and by not eating meat they are performing a sacrifice to atone for their sins that week. Seems like a good trade-off.
"Mom, I killed the dog."
"Well, you can forget about Taco Friday young man."

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