Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Nothing Much

About four days ago I dropped off a prescription at the pharmacy and the pharmacist asked if I wanted to wait for it or come back later. I said I would come back later. She said she would probably have to place an order so early evening the next day should be fine. This made me wonder why she even asked if I would like to wait for it. Do some people actually wait overnight for a prescription. It's a nice Shoppers but I wouldn't want to sleep there.

On Sunday I went up to a friend of a friend's rented cottage. I don't care how tenuous the relationship is; if I get invited to a cottage, I'm going. If Mahmoud Ahmadinejad invites me to Osama bin Laden's cottage for a weekend my response is, "how far can a camel spit and is there a hammock?" Not only was the cottage spacious, comfortable and right on the water (as all cottages should be) the friend of a friend's husband is a professional chef so the eatin' was good.

One of the people at the cottage is an ocularist. This does not mean that he is a practitioner of the Black Arts but almost as cool. He makes artificial eyes. I asked if he felt like somebody was always watching him? His response was a forced smile followed by a move to the other side of the cottage. After that I thought asking what percentage of his clientele are pirates might force him to get in the kayak and paddle to the middle of the lake.

Monday I had a terrible morning. I woke up late so I decided to drive to work. There is construction in my neighbourhood so the roads are very busy. I tried to take a shortcut but ended up having to backtrack because the road I was trying to go to was closed. When I finally got to the parking garage I usually go to the entrance was teeming with cars. Thinking I knew better I tried a different entrance, it was closed and that's probably why all the cars were trying to get into the crowded entrance. I also came as close as I ever have to hitting someone with my car. As I was trying to get to the closed entrance a guy walked out from between two SUVs. I couldn't have been more than an inch from him. He stopped, I swerved, and catastrophe was averted. I looked at him through the rearview mirror to see if his head was implanted up his ass or he was wearing an American Idol shirt. Some sign that would explain his idiocy but I guess it's a mystery that will remain unsolved.

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