Friday, March 6, 2009

Two Things

A few weeks ago I went to Ottawa for Winterlude. They had just settled a transit strike and I noticed a sign in an adult entertainment store window that said; "Free lube to all OC transit workers so they can go F**K themselves." I thought that was very generous.

A couple of days ago I received a phone call where the person asked if they could speak to Salim. I said, "I think you have the wrong number." Why couldn't I have just said "you have the wrong number"? I've only been living in my new apartment since October but I think I would have noticed another person living there by now. I suppose I could have said "he's not here right now" which would have been true but a little misleading. One day I may have a Salim in my apartment (although I'd rather have a Salma) but the chances are very slim that it would be the same Salim this girl was looking for.

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