Saturday, April 11, 2009

In Brief

I was standing at a traffic light today and a fairly normal looking woman (with the exception of the maniacal grin) was standing next to me. She shouted out, "C'mon light, I got to go to soccer tonight." A short time later the light changed. Does this woman have magic powers or do traffic lights just change at regular intervals? I guess we'll never know.

Speaking of traffic lights I completed my first "scramble" crossing at Yonge & Dundas today. A scramble crossing is where you are allowed to cross diagonally from corner to corner (e.g., from NE to SW). I'm not sure why it's called a scramble but the name certainly doesn't conjure up images of orderly lines of people calmly marching to their destinations. Scramble is something you yell when the cops are coming.

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