Thursday, June 4, 2009


The Second Annual Super Karate Monkey Relay for Life Garage Sale (it just rolls off the tongue doesn't it) is over and I think we're all a little older and a little wiser. I'm exactly 11 days older but I'll tell you, it feels more like 15 or 16. As for being wiser, when I say a little wiser, I'm exaggerating, I'm infinitesimally wiser. I think the only thing I learned is that Harlequin titles are extremely repetitive. Monkey goes through 4 to 5 Harlequins a week so we had lots to sell. Joey Jo Jo Shabadu Jr. created a game where we used the Harlequin title for charades. Eventually we had stock moves for just about everything they had. From the Harlequin website today, these are the top ten bestsellers:
  1. Taming the Texas Tycoon

  2. Pregnant with the Billionaire's Baby

  3. Having the Billionaire's Baby

  4. The Brunelli Baby Bargain

  5. Billionaire Prince, Pregnant Mistress

  6. The Illegitimate King

  7. Intimate Seduction

  8. Bought for Marriage

  9. The Santangeli Marriage

  10. Royal Seducer

Babies, billionaires and royalty seem to be big with the romance writers. I actually tried to act out "Intimate Seduction" and along with dislocating my hip I was banned from the street for a year.

One thing I definitely didn't learn last year, and probably won't remember next year, is that I need to be lathered in sun screen if I'm going to spend anytime outside. I'm extremely pale; photographers use me to set the white balance in their cameras. Over the weekend I was burned to a nice glowing red. After three days I started peeling so badly that it looked like I was in the early stages of leprosy. I hate the feel of sunscreen on my skin but I'm also not fond of my arms emanating enough heat to fry bacon. People, often tell me that I need to wear a hat. That's all well and good for people with normal shaped heads, I however look like Forest Gump's dimwitted cousin when I wear one. I'm not sure what it is but baseball caps always look slanted and toques ride up my head like an elastic around a basketball. Luckily I have enough thick luxurious hair to hide whatever hideous deformity mars my skull.

The garage sale made $475.00, which is about $30.00 less than last year but in these tough economic times still considered a good return.

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