Tuesday, September 22, 2009


There are some people who believe that everyone was put on earth for a reason. I believe that some people were put here for a reason and that is to irritate the crap out of me until I repeatedly stab them in the face. Others were put here to stare at me malevolently and then shake their head in disgust. I think there's six of them. Disappointingly few people were put on earth to feed me chocolate at all hours of the day.

There is a person at work who has been causing me some distress lately and I've written a little poem to let her know how I feel.

From the moment I saw your
Unblinking, reptilian eyes I knew you were a
Condescending, conniving bully
I don't understand why you torture me so.
Never have I met someone who
Goes so far out of their way to cause pain.

But rest assured that my spirit
Is not broken.
Tough on the inside, soft and pudgy on the outside.
Caramel covered bite of
Heaven. Sorry, got carried away. In conclusion, bite my ass.

It's not a good poem but really, is any poem any good.

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