Monday, October 22, 2007

Mmmmm Toasty

A Quizno's opened in the building where I work. I love Quizno's. All we need now is an Arby's and a Laura Secord's and I'll never go home. With any new establishment though there are growing pains. Quizno's has one of the dumbest looking people I have ever seen in my life making the sandwiches. He's the kind of person that just makes you think of banjo music and the cast of Deliverance. The kind of person who always has his mouth open because either his brain hasn't sent the signal to close it or he's in a perpetual state of surprise. "Hey, that's a pretty bird, wow this stove is hot, I wonder if monkeys dream, where did I leave my pants?" I feel sorry for the kid, especially because the way he was wielding the knife today makes it almost certain he's not going to end the week with the same number of fingers he started with (which is probably six on each hand so losing a couple may be a blessing).

Quizno's has a sign with actual size pictures of the sandwiches on it that reads, "Size matters, sandwiches are actual size, taste is 1/4 actual taste." To me, this means that their sandwiches taste 4 times better than a cardboard sign. Not very encouraging. I'd expect the sandwiches to be at least 6 times better.

On a completely different subject I was driving with a friend yesterday (I know it's difficult to believe but I do have one friend) and she refuses to use her signal until just before she gets in the lane. I think she does this because she thinks that as soon as she turns on her signal everyone on the road will conspire to keep her from ever getting into that lane. In actuality it's probably only about 90% of the people that would conspire against her, 9% of the people have tunnel vision and wouldn't even see her signal and the other 1% may let her in depending on how their day went. She thinks if they don't know what she's planning she can sneak in when no one is looking. She puts her signal on though because she doesn't want to be rude. The signal at this point is useless. When I see a car moving into my lane it's not like I think "what the hell is that guy doing? Oh my god the world's gone mad. Wait, oh he's signalling. Nevermind."

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