The history of Rome is of course extremely interesting and there are ruins everywhere which are pretty cool to look at but the city is so run down you don't know if you're looking at an ancient ruin or a slumlord's building.
Here are some shots of St. Peter's Basilica. It doesn't look very crowded because most of the people waiting have expired and been carted away to be fed to the jackals.

A closeup of the roof of St. Peter's Basilica. Some of the figures are holding crosses as a subtle reminder that Jesus was crucified. Come on kids, it's been 2000 years, how about stopping your bellyaching.

I think this is a statue of St. Peter. Whoever it is he looks very judgmental.

Assorted fountains and ruins.

This statue amuses me. Obviously the sculptor ran out of time and thought "what are the most recognizable features of this guy? His face would be good to show and probably his penis, everyone remembers his penis."

Vatican Museum - for those who can't translate the Latin inscription.

You'll have to click on this picture to enlarge it but pretty much right in the middle is a poster stating that you're not allowed to wear bathing suits in the museum. After waiting four days in line in the scorching heat you're damn lucky I'm wearing anything.

One of the ceilings in the Vatican museum. You're not allowed to take any photos of the Sistine Chapel which is the main thing I wanted to take pictures of but this is still pretty cool.

This is from the tomb of the unknown soldier. I just like this shot.

The Colosseum.

Inside the Colosseum.

Apparently these guys didn't hear that the Empire fell.

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