About a year and half ago I went on the best vacation of my life; Europe for five weeks. People said, "how on earth did you manage to get five weeks off?" I would tell them to mind their own damn business but the truth is the consensus around the office was that I'd probably do less harm to the business on another continent than I could in North America so they gladly let me go. I actually had two months off. I spent five weeks in Europe, returned for a week, went to PEI & Nova Scotia for another week and then spent my remaining week curled up in ball crying "I don't want to go back to work". The point of this entry though is not to brag about my wonderful experience (not the main point anyway) but to show some of the pictures I took there. I took just under a thousand pictures so strap yourself in, it might be a long ride.
Click the photo for a larger view.
London – Tower Bridge
London – This little bastard ruined a few of my shots. I don't think anyone was even taking his picture.
London – Tower of London. You can just barely see the spikes poking out between the stone arches. The Yeoman told us the spikes were 500 years old and that the rope holding them up was also 500 years old so we should hurry past them.
London – Tower of London. You'll notice a large cannon on the right side of the picture and a "No Unauthorized Use" sign on the left side. This pissed me off because there's nothing I like better than going into historic buildings and firing the cannons.
London – This sign is to scare off tourists.
This one's for the ladies.
London – Tower of London. I have no idea why there is a playground at the Tower of London, "I'm sorry we have to behead your mommy because you were born a girl not a boy but look . . . monkey bars!!!"
London – The Monument. Yep, I climbed all the way to the top. Want proof, look at the next photo.
There's your stinking proof.
London – St. Paul's Cathedral. The view from atop.
Next entry – Paris, the city of lights (and smokers) .
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