Thursday, September 27, 2007

A Good Time to Be Me

The last few days have been filled with a profusion of joyous events. Today in particular goes down as one of the top 250 days so far this year. I've had a hard time waking up recently and have been running a little late, which I hate. I guess it's one of my little quirks that I get antsy if I'm late for something. Another little quirk is I can only eat vegetables if they've been carved to resemble cast members from the seminal 1970s sitcom "Good Times". Anyway, I woke up early enough to get to class with about 45 minutes to spare.

I don't think I mentioned it before but I'm taking a course this week. This is another reason for my good mood. Every morning there is a breakfast laid out for us, there are free hot drinks (e.g., coffee, tea, mochachino) and cold drinks only cost a quarter. Cold drinks used to be free but some bastards would steal them so now they charge a quarter and give the money to charity. At break there is a snack provided. Today was hard-boiled eggs, cheese and crackers. Every afternoon we get ice cream and cookies.

Before I got to class some guy said, "free Globe & Mail sir?" why certainly Jeeves. The paper would have been enough but inside were all kinds of goodies, including; a pen, a Super C Emer'gen-C Vitamin and Mineral Supplement and a bag of microwave popcorn named Jay-Pop. My brother is named Jay so I told him I had the popcorn specially prepared for him. The cooking instructions are only in French so hopefully there will be no radioactive accidents. Please don't complain about my use of the word hopefully. I am aware of the controversy surrounding this word but after careful consideration, decided who really gives a rat's ass.

To top off the day it is the season premiere of The Office tonight. Perhaps tomorrow it will rain gumdrops.


Anonymous said...

You'll have to educate me regarding the controversy around the use of the word hopefully... Hopefully it's not something I will care about either, since I use the word quite regularly!

pady said...

What is weird about using the word Hopefully? Please enlighten.. And which course is this? Can I also join? ;-))